The alloys of iron and silicon /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor Principal: Greiner, Earl S.
Otros autores o Colaboradores: Marsh, J. S., Stoughton, Bradley
Formato: Libro
Datos de publicación: New York : McGraw-Hill, 1933.
Edición:1a ed., 3a impr.
Series:Alloys of iron research. Monograph series
Resumen:Introduction - High-purity silicon, high-purity iron, ferrosilicon - Constitution of iron-silicon alloys: the diagram - Constitution of the iron-silicon alloys: compounds, transformations, and structure - Properties of iron-silicon alloys - Constitution of iron-siliconalloys: discussion - The iron-carbon-silicon system - Constitution of alloys containing iron, carbon, and silicon - Silicon and silicon-maganese steels: I. Manufacture; mechanical properties of structural grades - Silicon and silicon-manganese steels: II. Spring steels; miscelaneous mechanical properties; corrosion - Complex steels containing silicon as an alloy - High silicon corrosion-resistant iron - Special properties - Electric and magnetic properties of silicon steel sheet: general - Special magnetic properties of silicon steel - General summary - Useful calculations - Discussion of the constitution of iron-rich iron-silicon alloys below 800ºC.
Descripción Física:p. 457 : tablas ; figuras